More than the 10-Year Review when Planning for the Future

    UPDATED: USPS FY 17 ACR Data  This has been updated to reflect the Postal Service FY 2017 Annual Compliance Report information. Download the updated version here. A Wobbly Three-Legged Stool On December 1, 2017, the Postal Regulatory Commission, PRC, announced their 10-Year Review proposal (here are some FAQs on the PRC review process for more of a background). But the conversation needs to go beyond their findings. There are several forces at work to take into consideration when planning. This article takes a deeper dive into not only the PRC’s findings beyond our December 1st posting. It also provides a recap of the USPS Board of Governors situation as well as legislative considerations. While independent discussions, the movement in one area may impact the others or compound the effects. For example, if legislation was passed during the comment period, it is unknown if the PRC would change their findings or if we could have a situation that adds proposed increases by the PRC to a partial exigent postage increase through legislation. For planning, the approved January 2018 rate increase is the certain item. The rest, a bit of a wobbly stool… Download More than the 10-Year Review when Planning for the Future.

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